Friday, August 27, 2004

Starting Mileage: 78617

And so our journey beings....It was a little sad as we left Boston, we drove by the CITGO and Reverse the Curse sign for what may be the last in a long time:( Looking back we can't beleive we left everything we own in the world on the sidewalk in front of our apartment. Yes it was locked in a crate, but lets be serious, if someone wanted to get in they would. If you happen to drive by 469 Shawmut Avenue take a peek and let us know if our two pods are still there:) Bad judgement on leaving before they were picked up. Ooops! We'd like to thank Deedee (otherwise known as Leah's mom) for putting up with us for a full week and packing our ENTIRE apartment. We couldn't have made the move without her. Thanks mom:)

End Milage NYC: 78842 (225 Miles)

We arrived somewhat uneventfully into NYC....oh a mere 5 hours after we left Boston. Its going to be a LONG trip! Whats going to make it even longer is we've already seen, in just the Boston to NYC leg, 28 states in the license plate game!!! They are the following:

Missouri, Texas, Connecticut, New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, Maine, Califonrnia, New Jersey, Indiana, North Carolina, Washington, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Iowa, Virginia, Wisconisn, Tennessee, Oregon, Michigan, Arizona, Minnesota, Florida, Ohio, Illinois Maryland, Georgia

If you have any suggestions for road trip games please email us:)

It was great seeing all of our friends:) We do have to report that the burgers at corner Bistro were some of the best burgers we've ever had. Highly recommend! The whole trip went fairly smoothly except for the $115 parking ticket we woke up to for parking too close to a fire hydrant. YIKES! If anyone has any friends in the NYPD let us know:) And so we are off to LBI..our second stop on our journey!


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