Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Cleveland Rocks

End Mileage in Cleveland: 79465

As our first long leg of the trip is now behind us, its a little scary to think whats in store. As most of you know Leah has a hard time sitting still and can become very bored very easily. We have already gone through all the unbelievable bootleg concert CD's that Mike Acton, previous colleague of Leah's, was so gracious to make for our trip. Thank you! Leah also exhausted the book and CD of CAR-Ioke that I will later kill Gretchen for giving us:) In Leah's defense 76 might of been the least scenic highway we have ever been on. She rarely drives, but when she does I'm usually on a phone interview and therefore not being very entertaining. Good for me..bad for her:)

As we got close to Cleveland we realized we better check in with Lance, otherwise known to some as "Captain Fantastic" to find out what the plan was. His response was, "where are you staying tonight?" I guess in all the planning that slight detail of staying with him fell through the cracks. Lucky for us Leah has no problem inviting us over! Thanks Lance!

The house was breathtaking and its no wonder Lance has no problem still living with the folks:) Situated on a beautiful pond with a big yard and great pool, what more do you need?!!

We had a great night of catching up over good food and GOOD BEER:) We got a slightly late start this morning, too bad for Lance he was at work hours before we even left the state!

On the way out we stopped at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, which was great! Amongst all the stuff you would expect to see, Annie Liebovitz had an American Music exhibit which was fabulous. If you love photography we would highly suggest getting the book.

We also made our first Junk Food stop today which we commend ourselves for on the 6th day of the trip. After that we made two more just today. SAD:( The highways are long but we are getting used to it. Some of our favorite signs are:

Remove your sunglasses
Animal around when flashing
Pigeons for Sale (SCARY)

And so we apologize for the delay in the blog. Lack of internet. We are stealing someones wireless connection as we speak because the hotel charges $20.00 and hour! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?? So we've made it into Chicago and are looking forward to a break and being in a metropolitan city! Till next time...


At September 2, 2004 at 6:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We want a beard update? And who is this Rob person? I remember your friend Robert but no Rob.

At September 2, 2004 at 7:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Leah & Mark,

Here's a suggestion concerning meals that Uncle Barry and I have found to be invaluable. Supermarkets can provide you with a huge variety of nutritious hot or cold meals at a rock-bottom price. Most have hot, cooked entres such as chicken, fish, or beef with vegetables and rice or potato. The take-out food is usually located near the deli section. Many deli counters offer pre-made sandwiches or even made-to-order ones. Often there are hot pasta dishes, pizza, BBQ chicken, and lots of other offerings. And don't forget the huge salad bars that include plenty of protein and fruit as well. You can have hot soup as well and buy bread or rolls at the bakery dept. to go with your soup or salad. Give it a try. It's easy on the budget although the atmosphere of eating in the car or on a bench doesn't quite equal fine dining! (Fine dining will come later in your life!!)

Aunty Brenda


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