Monday, August 30, 2004

On the streets of Philadelphia

End Mileage in Phili: 79020

So we are in Philidelphia visiting Leah's friend Kate from her first job at Andersen Consulting, now known as Accenture. Before we came Leah was on the phone with Kate asking for directions. Kate attends the Wharton School of Business and had moved in just a day before we got there. So Leah asks Kate if her neighborhood is safe because we have everything that is important to us in the car and Kate replies, "we will see...." We'll we find out what that means the second we arrive. While I empty the car with Kate and lug stuff to the apartment Leah waits by the car, as we approach her we see he sternly saying NO to a passing bum. Apparently the bum is sauntering by her and politely says, "Excuse me ma'am, can I have your pocketbook?" least the bums in Phili are polite! So bizarre:) Later on that day we see someone arrested for shoplifting and some kids kicking one of their friends repeatedly in the stomach while he lay on the ground. Safe town!!

Phili was the first spot on the trip that both of us hadn't previously been. So we actually toured around the city. We saw the Liberty Bell, the US Mint, The Betsy Ross House (which surprisingly had central air), oh and the Real World house. The new season just finished taping there. We had a great dinner at this cute little Italian joint and the owners liked us so much we got some free desserts. All in all it was a short but great visit but won't be moving to Phili anytime soon! Sorry Kate:( Next stop Cleveland....


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