Sunday, September 05, 2004

Twin Cities

End Mileage in Minneapolis: 80291 (336 Miles)

After a relatively uneventful 6 hour drive from Chicago, we rolled into Minneapolis Minnesota around 4 p.m. on Saturday. We had a slight misunderstanding with the directions to Leah’s cousin Lance’s apartment, but we quickly recovered and found the place.

Lance has a really nice apartment with a beautiful view out on to downtown Minneapolis. After relaxing for a few minutes and catching up with Lance, he took us out on a driving tour of Downtown Minneapolis. It’s actually a really nice city, we’d recommend checking it out.

After the tour, we hit Chino Latino for dinner. This place definitely gets the “Best Restaurant of the Trip” award. It’s a Mexican/Latin/Asian fusion place (actually, equatorial food from around the world) in Uptown. Definitely check this place out if you’re in Minneapolis.

After dinner, it was back to Lance’s for some chillin in front of the DVD player. We were definitely happy to get some TV time in J

In the morning Lance took us to Key’s diner for breakfast. It’s constantly rated as one of the best breakfast places in the country. The line around the block would tend to agree, as would we. Another recommended spot.

We’re off to see the Jack Johnson concert back in Wisconsin now. Not the most efficient path, but it’s worth it J


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