Wednesday, September 01, 2004

The Windy City

End Mileage in Chicago: 79840

So we made it to the windy city on Wenesday and we were SOOOO excited to have a nice hotel room to be able to relax for a couple days.....unfortunatly our FABULOUS hotel room had stained carpet and peeling walpaper and we already mentioned the high price for internet.

Lesson Learned: Don't go cheap on hotels. It's not worth it.

So we got over that quickly and spent a couple of fabulous days enjoying the city. We went to Navy Pier and took a great architectural tour of the city by water. Highly reccommend to anyone going to Chicago. Beware though, we took the $30 a person tour and we saw a more crowded highly energetic tour for a mere $10 a person. Ooops:)

Now we thought Leah's bout with the homeless man in Philly would make her think twice about talking to random strangers on the street...No such luck:) So we eat breakfast at a great little cafe and are leaving to head to Navy Pier. We are walking along hand in hand (oh how cute:) ) and yet another homeless man walks by and exclaims, "Good morning you two lovebirds." This catches Leah's attention which he obviously observes and before you know it we are being walked around in endless circles all over some not so great parts of the city apparently on the "Blues Tour." Now this guy is walking so fast we are working up a sweat. At every street corner he is telling us to "put some pepper in our step" as he whisks us across the street. At one point he literaly almost got himself killed. So I'm thinking he's taking us around the corner to where his buddies are to shake us down. Lucky for us it was pretty innocent and he only asked for some cash at the end. Luckily we only had $7 on us. It wasn't a very good tour:)

We'll I'm fairly confident that there will be no more talking to strangers:)

We met up with our friends Sam and Stoller at an outdoor rooftop beer garden and then ended the night ironically at one of the blues clubs our 'tour guide' reccomended. Actually...not bad at all!

Oh we forgot we've seen some more lisence plates:

Kentucky, South Dakota, West Virginia, Kansas, Nebraska, Mississippi and Utah

Only 13 left to go!!

To be equal we are also playing how many Canadian Provinces we can see. So far we have four:

Ontario, New Brunswick, Quebec and Manitoba

Next stop Wisconsin.


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